About US
We’re Megan and Kelsey Small! We were born and raised in Alameda, California. When we’re not brainstorming toddler crafts or gardening, (our new favorite pastime), Megan is a family and lifestyle photographer, wife to Sam and mom to Maverick (3.5), Margeaux (10 months) and pup, Milo. Kelsey is a dog mom to Oliver, a Soulcycle aficionado and is currently taking a hiatus from tv production to be close to family and friends. We are also living proof that siblings can fight and argue as kids and grow up to be the best of friends!

We spent our childhood following Mom as she perused the aisles of art stores, when she volunteered as art docent, we listened to her speak to our elementary classes about historical artists, she taught us to always think outside the box and that happiness was a new set of pentel markers. No school project was ever finished without her final stroke of genius and no gift was complete if the card or gift itself wasn’t homemade. Dolly was our favorite artist, mentor, our role model, best friend and mother, and to her we owe everything.
Our idea originated during shelter in place when we spent time making a craft room and diverting all our energy into keeping Maverick busy. We re-lived some of our favorite past times of spin art, watercolors and doodling in journals while making lists of all the projects we wanted to do with Maverick. As the months passed and we made the decision to keep Maverick home from preschool in the fall, I started scrambling to come up with projects, which he loves, that will be engaging and also educational. Nothing can replace the social interaction but these boxes will help to build a sense of community as we work and share the projects we create weekly.